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Westwood Beautification Tree Planting

In 2017 Westwood Park, (home to our Westwood dodgeball league), lost several trees due to bark beetle infestations. We’re looking to replenish the lost greenery and are looking for monetary donations to purchase new trees and volunteers to help plant them. 

How it works:

Donate: A donation of $100 will go toward the purchase, planting, and routine care of 1 tree at Westwood Recreation Center. Our goal is 12 trees.

Volunteer:  If you’d like to volunteer in helping ERYC care for the trees, email nicole@wagstaging.com for details on dates/times.

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How does the tree donation work?
Your donation will go toward the purchase, planting, and routine care of your tree. Additionally, your donation, you or your recipient will receive:

  • A Framed Eagle Rock Yacht Club “California Love” Poster
  • A Tree Certificate with a personal message
  • Photos and information about the tree and its location

What types of trees are being planted? 

  • Fern Pine
  • Texas Red Oak
  • Pink Trumpet Tree